Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
Dittman, J., Digitale Wasserzeichen (Digital Watermarks),
Springer, 2000. The author discusses problems in creating
truly tamperproof and destruction-proof digital watermarks
(see Section 1.3). Her analysis is profound, and her
conclusions give hope for the future.
Dobbertin, H., Cryptanalysis of MD4 , Proceedings of the 3rd
Workshop on Fast Software Encryption Cambridge, Springer,
1996, LNCS 1039, pp. 53 - 70.
Dobbertin, H., The First Two Rounds of MD4 are not One-way ,
in Proc. Fast Software Encryption, Springer, 1998. This work
calculates the archetype of hash value 0 of a one-way hash
function reduced (from three) to two rounds (MD4). This was
probably the first time the reversion of a hash function was
Donnerhacke, L., Peter, S., Vorsicht, Falle! ActiveX als
Fullhorn f ur Langfinger (Watch for Traps! ActiveX is a Horn
of Plenty for Thieves), iX, 3/1997, pp. 90 - 93.
Digital Rights Management , Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg,
2003, LNCS 2770, ISBN 3-540-40465-1. Only apparently dry
literature: it discusses basic issues, such as: Is information
ownership meaningful and possible at all? What are the
chances for Digital Rights Management, and what technical
barriers are there? You should have a look at this work to
better understand some of the problems of our information
Electronic Frontier Foundation, Cracking DES, Secrets of
Encryption Research, Wiretap Politics & Chip Design ,
O'Reilly & Associates, 1998, ISBN 1-56592-520-3.
Feistel, H., Cryptography and Computer Privacy , Scientific
American, Vol. 228 (1973), No. 5, pp. 15 - 23.
Ferguson, N., Schneier, B., Practical Cryptography , Wiley,
2003, ISBN 0-471-22357-3.
Ferguson, N., Schroeppel, R., Whiting, D., A Simple Algebraic
Representation of Rijndael , in: Proceedings of Selected Areas
in Cryptography (SAC '01), LNCS 2259, Springer, 2001,
pp. 103 - 111.
Frankel, Y., Yung, M., Escrow Encryption System Visited:
Attacks, Analysis and Designs , in: Advances in
Cryptology — CRYPTO '95, Springer, 1995, pp. 222 - 235.
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