Cryptography Reference
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(24 bytes) normally suffice. This is quite interesting: RC5-32/1/* also supplies
a statistically 'well randomized' text and uses 128 key bits in CBC mode.
The one-round RC5 is easy to describe:
Let the plaintext half blocks (each 32 bits long) be A and B , and assume the
key consists of 32-bit words S 0 ,S 1 ,S 2 , and S 3 . To determine the ciphertext half
blocks A 1 and B 1 , we compute
A 0 =A+S 0
B 0 =B+S 1
A 1 = ((A 0
B 0 ) <<< k 0 ) +S 2 (1)
B 1 = ((B 0
A 1 ) <<< k 1 ) +S 3 (2)
Where k 0 or k 1 is the value from the five least significant bits of B 0 or A 1 ,
Assuming that both A and B (the plaintext) and A 1 and B 1 (the ciphertext)
are known, we try to recover the keys, (S i ) i = 0 ,..., 3 , from as small a number
of plaintexts and ciphertexts as possible. (We are not interested in the method
used by RC5 to generate keys S i from a byte field here. Once we know S i we
can decrypt.)
We begin with equation (2). Since our assumption was that we know A 1 ,we
also know k 1 , so that we can represent subkey S 1 as a function of S 3 that we
can compute:
S 1 = (((B 1 -S 3 ) >>> k 1 )
A 1 )- B(3)
From among the ciphertexts available, we find two with k 1 values that differ
as little as possible, but are not equal. This prerequisite is almost always met
in practice: with ten known 'random' ciphertexts, for example, the probability
that all k 1 are equal is not more than 2 45 (approximately 3 10 14 ) . Moreover,
with four different ciphertexts at hand, there are two k 1 values that differ by
32 / 4 = 8 at most. The more different ciphertexts we have the smaller the
smallest positive difference of any two k 1 .
Now, having picked out two such plaintext - ciphertext pairs, we turn to equa-
tion (3) for both pairs, writing the equation with the largest k 1 value first. We
subtract the second equation from the first, which causes a zero to appear on
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