Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
U 1
U 2
Z 5
Z 6
V 1
V 2
Figure 5.11: The MA transformation forms the 'core' of IDEA.
then the same computations would be executed! This explains the meaning of
the output transformation in a very simple way.
Having made this discovery, we already know how to decrypt: we substitute
each key by the key that currently reverses the operation during the encryption.
These are the negative values of Z 2 and Z 3 , and the reciprocals modulo 2 16
+ 1
with the others. XOR operations are self-inversing, i.e., applying them once
more to the same intermediate results produces the original result again. This
is why subkeys stand explicitly ahead of the ' + ' and ' ' operations, but not
ahead of ' '!
That's cleverly designed indeed, but rather a technical question. We would
certainly accept a separate decryption algorithm for the price of higher security.
In contrast, another feature of IDEA is more interesting: the result of an oper-
ation never becomes the operand of an operation of the same type in any place .
No matter how we go along the arrows — two equal operations never follow
one after the other on one path. This is an important property of IDEA that has
caused confusion . But this confusion is 'more unfathomable' than with DES,
at least subjectively.
the MA
(multiplication - addition) transformation , shown in Figure 5.11.
The MA transformation is responsible for diffusion . Computer experiments have
shown that, with this transformation, every bit of V 1 and V 2 depends on every
bit of the keys and every bit of blocks U 1 and U 2 . And all this after one single
round! Lai and Massey also showed that at least four operations are required
to achieve this — so the MA transformation is even minimal in this sense.
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