Cryptography Reference
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encryptions, this set, together with this operation, does not form a mathematical
group. It is quite possible that this algebraic structure offers vulnerabilities for
cryptanalysis. To my knowledge, no such vulnerabilities are known; one doesn't
probably even know whether or not consecutive encryptions can produce an
identity (i.e., the original plaintext again) — except for the six pairs of semiweak
keys from Section 4.4.3.
Let's not stumble about in the gray zone and instead look at a more substantial
theory in the following section.
Man Meets in the Middle
There is a method to cryptanalyze double encryption. It is a brute-force attack
combined with a known-plaintext attack. The cryptanalyst meets virtually in the
middle between the two encryptions. On the one side, he encrypts the known
plaintext with all keys; on the other side, he decrypts the ciphertext. The two
results should coincide in the middle. This is the reason why this method is
referred to as a meet-in-the-middle attack , not to be confused with the man-
in-the-middle attack , where public keys are exchanged (see Section 4.5.2).
Two plaintext - ciphertext block pairs are basically sufficient for this attack. The
idea is very simple:
Suppose a plaintext block, P , and the corresponding ciphertext, C , produced
from a double encryption, are known:
C = DES K (DES K (P))
We encrypt P with all possible keys, K , and save the results. We then decrypt
C with all possible keys, K , and see whether or not the deciphered product
occurs in the ciphers created. If it does, then we test the two keys, K and K ,
on a second ( C, P ) pair. If K and K pass this test, then it is very likely that
they are the correct keys. We can now run other, more elaborate tests.
Rather than trial-and-error testing all K for every K , i.e., working our way
though 2 56 2 56 possibilities like the wise men of Gotham, we save the results
for all possible 2 56 K keys and test for possible K supto2 56
times, so that the
time required is now only 2 56
+ 2 56 .
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