Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
We can see that ciphertext stealing allows us to substitute things 'in place'. With
the CBC mode, however, we would have to accommodate the initialization
vector (IV) elsewhere, or be able to compute it from the context any time (for
databases, for example, from user and record numbers).
Integrating Checksums
When the encryption does not have to be done 'in place', i.e., when ciphertext
and plaintext don't have to have the same length, it is recommended to append
a checksum to the plaintext: it allows us to check the text integrity at any given
time. This is certainly nothing new to you.
But there is another practical situation where encrypted checksums can come
in handy: suppose you have an encrypted file many Mbytes long and you want
to edit the pertaining plaintext. If you enter a wrong password, the deciphering
algorithm will create a 'plaintext' all the same, though it will be anything but
'plain'. At the very end of the encryption, your program may find that the
checksum is not correct and ask you to enter a new password. Meanwhile, it
has created one more 'dead data body' and consumed considerable computer
resources for nothing. Or perhaps the program works without checksums, and
you will painfully notice your error when you first attempt to edit the plaintext.
This is annoying and user-unfriendly. Wouldn't it be simpler if your program
were to refuse wrong passwords right away without risking the security? It is
possible, and the trick is even very simple — you just have to first recognize
the necessity.
We choose a random block, I 0 , and encrypt it; we obtain a block I 1 .Weput
both blocks — I 0 and I 1 — in front of the plaintext and encrypt the plaintext
thus expanded. I 0 becomes C 1 ,I 1 becomes C 2 , and P 1 eventually becomes C 3 ,
and so on (see Figure 5.5).
During the decryption process, we stop after the computation of plaintext block
I 1 to check whether or not C 0 coincides with I 1 . If it doesn't, the password
has got to be wrong; if it does, then there is a high likelihood that it is correct.
A theoretical drawback of this method is, however, that the plaintext block
I 1 =
C 0 is known. But resistance to plaintext attacks is taken for granted in
modern methods anyway.
Numerous variants are possible here: with the CBC mode, we can use I 0 directly
as the initialization vector. We encrypt the first two blocks, I 0 and I 1 , as shown
in Figure 5.5 in ECB mode, and then switch to CBC from the third block
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