Cryptography Reference
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The Knapsack Method
Creating keys :
Choose a secret superincreasing number sequence with a length of N mem-
bers, ( s i ) i = 1 ,...,N , i.e., a number sequence in which each element is greater
than the sum of all previous elements. N should be at least equal to 200; the
s i should be of the order of 10 100 .
Choose a secret module, n , greater than the sum of all elements of the number
Choose a secret number, k , relatively prime to n .
Compute k by kk = 1 mod n .
Multiply all elements of ( s i )by k modulo n :
t i =s i k mod n
Sequence ( t i ) i = 1 ,...,N forms the public key; k , n , and sequence ( s i ) i = 1 ,...,N
compose the private key.
Encryption :
Decompose the plaintext into blocks of N bits each (the last block does not
have to be padded).
For each block, compute the sum from those t i , where bit i in the block is
equal to 1. The sum is the ciphertext.
Decryption :
Decompose the ciphertext into N -bit blocks.
Multiply each ciphertext block by k modulo n .
Solve the knapsack problem for each number thus obtained with regard to
( s i ) by successively subtracting the largest possible s i from the sequence. If
summand s i occurs in the sum, then set bit i in the plaintext block to 1;
otherwise set it to 0.
Figure 4.19: Asymmetric encryption using the knapsack method.
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