Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
The ElGamal Method
Creating keys :
Choose a large prime number, p (e.g., 512 or 1024 bits long), for which
( p
1 )/ 2 is also a prime number. Let p be N bits long.
Choose a base, g<p .
Choose a secret exponent, x<p .
g x
Compute y
mod p .
p , g , and y form the public key, x forms the private key.
Encryption :
Decompose the plaintext into blocks of N
1 bits each (the last block may
have to be padded).
Choose a k<p that is relatively prime to p
1. k must remain secret. It can
be created by a program and discarded after use.
For each block, m , compute two numbers, a and b , as follows:
a=g k
b = y k m mod p
mod p
The two numbers, a and b , form two ciphertext blocks of length N .
Decryption :
Decompose the ciphertext into N -bit blocks.
For two consecutive a -and- b blocks, solve the equation
a x m = b mod p
toward m (using the generalized Euclidean algorithm). m is the plaintext
looked for.
Figure 4.18: Asymmetric encryption by the ElGamal method.
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