Cryptography Reference
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as we use it on products of two prime numbers. This is our basic idea: we
know that it is extraordinarily difficult to calculate the prime numbers from a
product, n = pq , of two large prime numbers, p and q . The problem is referred
to as the factoring of n . The difficulty increases as numbers have increasingly
more decimal digits. We might be able to build an asymmetric algorithm: n is
known, and we could somehow encrypt something using this number, but we
couldn't decrypt it without knowing p and q .
We will first consider that Euler's function looks like this for all prime numbers:
φ (pq) = (p-1)(q-1).
The proof is simple: there is a total of pq numbers, 1 ,..., pq . Out of these
numbers, the following are not relatively prime to pq : the numbers p divisible
by q , and the numbers q divisible by p , i.e., p
q . We have to bear in mind
that we considered pq twice, since it is divisible by p and q . All other numbers
divisible neither by p nor by q have got to be relatively prime to pq (since p
and q are prime numbers). Thus
φ (pq) = pq - (p+q-1) = (p-1)(q-1).
m ( p 1 )( q 1 )
= 1 mod pq
m ( p 1 )( q 1 )
= m mod pq
holds for all m that are divisible neither by p nor by q . This could be the
procedure we are looking for: we find two natural numbers, d and e ,by
de = (p-1)(q-1)+1
d,e > 1
and publish e and n . Everybody can calculate the remainder for every number
that is relatively prime to pq , m< pq , which m e
leaves when divided by pq .
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