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Converting a decimal number into binary is essentially just the reverse of the
process for converting binary into decimal. Recall that a binary number such as
1101 2 specifies a sum of multiples of powers of 2. These multiples can only take
the values 0 or 1, so a binary number really specifies a sum of some of the powers
of 2. More precisely:
• if the multiple is 0 then the corresponding power of 2 is not included in the sum;
• if the multiple is 1 then the corresponding power of 2 is included in the sum.
In fact any number can be uniquely expressed as a sum of powers of 2.
So the question of how to convert a given decimal number into binary is
equivalent to asking precisely which of the powers of 2 add up to that decimal
For a small number such as 14 we can easily determine this by trial and error.
It does not take very long to work out that the powers of 2 that add up to 14 are
8, 4 and 2. Thus, by reversing the binary to decimal process, we see that:
14 10 =
(1 × 8) + (1 × 4) + (1 × 2) + (0 × 1)
2 3 )
2 2 )
2 1 )
2 0 )
1110 2 .
In general, and in particular to convert large decimal numbers into binary, we
need some kind of algorithm (system) for working out the binary equivalent of
a decimal number. For simplicity, we will illustrate this process using a small
number, namely 25 10 .
1. Find the highest power of 2 that is smaller than 25 . Clearly it is not possible for
a power of 2 that is larger than 25 to be part of the sum of powers of 2 that
adds up to 25, so we find the largest power of 2 less than 25. This is 16. Thus
25 10 can be expressed as a sum of powers of 2 that are all less than or equal
to 16. In other words:
25 10 =
2. Determine whether each of the ? symbols is 0 or 1 . Consider the ? coefficient
next to 16. All of the remaining powers of 2 (8, 4, 2 and 1) only add up to 15.
Thus we must have 16 in our sum of powers of 2 that add up to 25, otherwise
we could only sum to 15. Hence the coefficient of 16 must be 1. So:
25 10 =
Now the remaining four powers of 2 must add to 25 16 = 9. Consider the
? coefficient next to 8. All of the remaining powers of 2 (4, 2 and 1) only add
up to 7. Thus we must have 8 in our sum of powers of 2 that add up to 25,
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