Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
9 . Hash functions are sometimes used as a practical means of pseudorandomly
generating numbers.
(a) Why is it reasonable to expect a hash function to generate 'random' ouput?
(b) What are the possible advantages of using a hash function as a pseudoran-
dom number generator?
10 . The SHA-3 'competition' is an AES-style process designed to standardise hash
(a) What were the SHA-3 hash function competition design criteria?
(b) Based on themost current information that you can find, write a short report
on this competition.
11 . A block cipher with an unknown key is used in ECB mode to encrypt the
plaintext: The order is Karl, Andy, Fred and Ian. Ian and Andy have left . All that
is known about the block cipher is that:
• it encrypts plaintext blocks consisting of two letters into ciphertext blocks
consisting of two letters;
• punctuation and spaces are ignored.
Suppose that the original ciphertext is C 1 ,
C 2 ,
C 3 ...,
C 23 .
(a) Find two numbers i and j such that C i =
C j ;
(b) Decrypt the ciphertext:
C 1 ,
C 2 ,
C 3 ,
C 4 ,
C 5 ,
C 10 ,
C 11 ,
C 6 ,
C 7 ,
C 8 ,
C 9 ,
C 12 ,
C 13 ,
C 14 ,
C 15 ,
C 16 ,
C 17 ,
C 6 ,
C 7 ,
C 20 ,
C 21 ,
C 22 ,
C 23
(c) Decrypt the ciphertext:
C 1 ,
C 2 ,
C 3 ,
C 4 ,
C 5 ,
C 10 ,
C 11 ,
C 12 ,
C 13 ,
C 14
(d) Decrypt the ciphertext:
C 10 ,
C 8 ,
C 6 ,
C 17 ,
C 6 ,
C 7 ,
C 20 ,
C 21 ,
C 22 ,
C 23
(e) Find another sequence of ciphertext blocks that decrypt to a plausible
(f) What lesson about the delivery of security services does this example
12 . Explain the extent to which a MAC prevents the following attacks:
(a) unauthorised changing of part of a message;
(b) unauthorised deletion of part of a message;
(c) unauthorised sending of a false message;
(d) unauthorised replaying of a previously sent message.
13 . Alice and Charlie are flavour technicians at a food processing company. Alice
shares key K A with Boss Bob and Charlie shares key K C with Bob. Suppose that:
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