Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Linearized Equations
Let the diffusion state expressed by subscript “ d ” be perturbed by quantities
denoted by “ 1 ”, we will have
V ( x, y, t )= V 1
N ( x, y, t )= N d + N 1 ; ψ ( x, y, t )= ψ 1 ;
V being the disturbed state and N 1
N d = e Pey 1
e Pe
with N , ψ ,
1 .
By substituting equation (14.20) in equations (14.14-14.15), neglecting
second-order terms of perturbations, and then substituting the diffusion state
(14.19) into the obtained system, we have
2 ψ 1
∂x 2
+ 2 ψ 1
∂y 2
= Ra ∂N 1
∂N 1
G ( y ) ∂ψ 1
+ Pe ∂N 1
2 N 1
G ( y )= Pe e V c y
e Pe
The required boundary conditions are
ψ 1 = ∂N 1
=0 at x =0 ,F and
ψ 1 = ∂N 1
PeN 1 =0 at y =0 , 1
The linear system (14.21-14.22) with boundary conditions (14.24) deter-
mines the initial evolution of perturbations and the criterion for the onset
of bioconvection. Numerical solutions are presented in the next section. Note
that by making the change of variable N 1 =
T 1 and substituting it into
equations (14.21-14.22), we readily obtain the following system:
2 ψ 1
∂x 2
+ 2 ψ 1
∂y 2
Ra ∂T 1
∂T 1
+ G ( y ) ∂ψ 1
+ Pe ∂T 1
2 T 1
with the boundary conditions
ψ 1 = ∂T 1
=0 at x =0 ,F
ψ 1 = ∂T 1
PeT 1 =0 at y =0 , 1
1, the above system of equations
reduces formally to the equations governing the fixed-flux Benard problem
(Kimura et al. 1995; Prud'homme and Nguyen 2002).
When the cell velocity Pe
0, G ( y )
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