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include a series of biological processes taking place within cartilage involv-
ing IGF transport, IGF interaction with its binding proteins (IGFBPs),
IGF and interstitial fluid flow induced matrix biosynthesis, and the trans-
port of matrix molecules. The model was validated using several indepen-
dent experimental data sets. Of particular significance was that by using
this model, all the available experimental data that is comparable, can be
reproduced using only a single set of model parameters. The results of this
new biosynthesis model show that IGF-I and mechanical loading are able
to stimulate aggrecan synthesis independently, but when applied simultane-
ously, the degree of aggrecan stimulation is greater than that achieved by
either IGF-I or mechanical loading alone. The dynamic balance of aggre-
can metabolism and catabolism in cartilage depends on the IGF-I concen-
tration in synovial fluid, and aggrecan production can be rapidly “switched
on” when the concentration of IGF-I reaches a certain threshold. This model
may prove useful in understanding normal homeostatic processes in carti-
lage, and in identifying optimal cell density distributions for ecient pro-
tein synthesis and more uniform cartilage distributions in tissue engineered
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changes in their mechanical environment. Journal of Biomechanics , 28 :
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