Biomedical Engineering Reference
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TABLE 11.2
IGF-I, IGFBP Association/Dissociation Rates Parameters Used
in the Model
10 5 M 1 sec 1
Association rate constant ( k +1 )
3 . 67
0.001 sec 1
Dissociation rate constant ( k 1 )
where s is the solute sink due to the binding of free solute to binding proteins
attached to the solid phase.
The addition of equations (11.38) and (11.39) leads to
φ f c I
+ 1
φ f c I
c I + φ f v f c I
φ f D
−∇• 1
φ f v s c I = 0
Using equation (11.10) and performing some algebraic manipulations [33],
we obtain the general transport governing equation for the solute in the
deformable cartilage with consideration of binding of solute to the solid matrix.
φ f ∂c I
+ 1
φ f ∂c I
2 c I + φ f v s
−∇ φ f D •∇
φ f D I
c I
+ 1
φ f v s •∇
c I = 0
With consideration of above assumptions, the governing equations (11.12)
and (11.41) can be rewritten in radial coordinates as
κ r 2 p
= 0
v r
+ ∂v r
+ ∂ε z
∂r 2 + 1
2 c I
∂r 2
φ f ∂c I
∂c I
+ 1
φ f ∂c I
+ 1
φ f D I
∂c I
+ φ f v r
+ 1
φ f v r ∂c I
κ r ∂p
= 0
In the radial IGF-I transport equation (11.43), the first term represents
the change of concentration of IGF-I with respect to time; the second term
represents the IGF-I transported by diffusion, and the third and fourth terms
describe the contribution of mechanical loading and advection in the deform-
ing porous media.
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