Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Cartilage spilt line
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Application of orthotropic Conewise Linear Elasticity model [55] in the solid
phase of cartilage. Three preferred directions of material symmetry: a 1 parallel
to the split line direction; a 2 perpendicular to the split line direction; and a 3
normal to the articular cartilage surface.
Model Geometry for Radial Solute Transport in
Cartilage under Unconfined Cyclic Compression
One common experimental method for testing cartilage is the unconfined com-
pression test [9,54,56,57] (as shown in Figure 11.3). Typically, a thin, cylin-
drical cartilage disc explant is obtained (to minimize inhomogeneities in car-
tilage properties) [57]. For experiments investigating the role of cyclic loading
on nutrient uptake, the cartilage disc is loaded between two impermeable
platens in a bathing solution containing IGF-I [58]. Under this configuration,
the radial expansion ( r ) caused by compression applied along the z direction
is unconstrained and fluid can either be exuded or imbibed across the outer
surface of the cartilage disc [57]. As the axial normal strain is homogeneous,
due to effectively frictionless platens the system is symmetrical about the z-
axis, as demonstrated below, the problem can be reduced to a one-dimensional
problem in the radial coordinate.
Due to symmetry, it can be assumed that () /∂θ = 0 and u θ = 0. Thus,
u r = u r ( r, t ) , r = ∂u r
∂t ,p = p ( r, t ) , z ( t )= ∂u z
I = c I ( r, t )
∂z ,
where r and z are radial and axial coordinates, respectively, and t is time. ε z
is the axial strain due to the applied axial load, and is therefore assumed to
take a sinusoidal form,
ε z = ε 0
cos (2 πft )]
where ε 0 is the peak-to-peak strain amplitude and f is the frequency of the
axial strain.
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