Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Figure 17.4. Biomimetic Multiphasic Scaffold for Interface Tissue Engineering: Design,
In Vitro and In Vivo Testing. A) Multi-phased scaffold modeled after the three regions of the
interface: Phase A for soft tissue, Phase B for the fi brocartilage region and Phase C for Bone
(Spalazzi, Doty, Moffat, Levine, and Lu 2006). B) In vitro co-culture of fi broblasts and osteo-
blasts on the triphasic scaffold resulted in phase-specifi c cell distribution and controlled matrix
heterogeneity (Spalazzi, Doty, Moffat, Levine, and Lu 2006). Fibroblasts (Calcein AM, green )
localized in Phase A and osteoblasts (CM-DiI, red ) in Phase C at day 1 and day 28. Both cell
types migrated into Phase B by day 28 (bar = 200
m). C) In vivo evalution of the multi-phased
scaffold co-cutlured with fi broblasts and osteoblasts revealed abundant tissue infi ltration and
matrix production at four weeks (Spalazzi, Dagher, Doty, Guo, Rodeo, and Lu 2006). (Modifi ed
Goldner's MassonTrichrome, bar = 200
m). D) In vivo evalution of the multi-phased scaffold
tri-cutlured with fi broblasts, chondrocytes, and osteoblasts revealed abundant tissue infi ltra-
tion and matrix production at four weeks (Spalazzi, Dagher, Doty, Guo, Rodeo, and Lu 2006).
(Modifi ed Goldner's MassonTrichrome, bar = 200
m). (See color insert.)
et al. 2006). Specifi cally, the scaffold consisted of three distinct yet continuous
phases (Figure 17.4A), with each designed for a particular cell type and tissue
region found at the interface: Phase A for fi broblasts and soft tissue formation,
Phase B as an interface region intended for fi brochondrocytes and fi brocartilage
formation, and Phase C (Lu, El Amin, Scott, and Laurencin 2003) for osteoblasts
and bone tissue.
Both co-culture and tri-culture of the interface relevant cell types on the tri-
phasic scaffold have been reported, and the feasibility of using this model system
for interface tissue engineering has been evaluated (Spalazzi, Doty, Moffat,
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