Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Approaches that allow designers to select from a catalog of existing stan-
dardized packages for a new MEMS device without compromising perfor-
mance would be beneficial.  Fabrication Knowledge Required
Currently, the designer of a MEMS device requires a high level of fabrication
knowledge in order to create a successful design. Often, the development of
even the most mundane MEMS device requires a dedicated research effort to
find a suitable process sequence for fabrication. MEMS device design needs
to be separated from the complexities of the process sequence.
7.3 NanotechnologyApplications
Figure 7.3 from the Foresight Nanotech Institute [6] represents the technol-
ogy roadmap for the key application areas of nanotechnology. This chart
illustrates the technology convergence and rapid progression to a host of
diverse applications and implementations. As the theme of this text and the
cover art suggest, progress in optical bionanotechnology will follow cross-
disciplinary endeavors in achieving some of the most significant break-
throughs in science.
Applications in biotechnology include bioimaging, biosensors, flow
cytometry, photodynamic therapy, tissue engineering, and bionanophoton-
ics. Breakthroughs in biological signaling, genomics, and biosystems engi-
neering will follow as well.
7.4 V-GrooveCouplerGeometryandDesignConsiderations
Bulk micromachining of silicon and other semiconductor materials repre-
sents the early work in the MEMS arena. A very early application of aniso-
tropically etched silicon was the V-groove coupler. Figure 7.4 illustrates a
round fiber in a V-groove, providing a very precise means of aligning a fiber
to another fiber or for coupling to waveguides, detector elements, or other
optical components. We consider here the geometry and design consider-
ations for such a structure.
It is found that the problem of finding b , the location of the center of the
fiber with respect to the V-groove, is dependent upon whether the point of
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