Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Nanoparticle - corona complex
Extracellular side of
cell membrane
Intracellular side of
cell membrane
Integral protein
Fig. 1.1 The formation of protein corona on the surface of nanoparticle can affect the interaction
of nanoparticle with the cell plasma membrane (Adapted from [ 78 ])
“read” at once the composition, the organization of this protein layers, and the
exchange times of the proteins on the nanoparticles. The composition of the protein
corona at any given time will be determined by the concentrations of over 3,700
proteins in plasma [ 79 ]. The organization may depend on concentrations, associa-
tion rate, and affinity of the protein to the particle. Studies of protein adsorption
show two forms of adsorption layers consisting of an irreversibly adsorbed fraction
and a reversibly adsorbed fraction. These proteins may undergo conformational
changes, leading to exposure of new epitopes, altered function, and avidity effects.
Preexisting surface species prior to the introduction of the nanoparticle into the
biological fluids might influence protein adsorption kinetics. These preexisting
molecules can be residues from the manufacturing process, industrial chemicals,
and stabilizers or originate from ambient gases and organic and inorganic biological
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