Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 10.10 Releasable adhesion in an attachment pad. ( a ) Geometry of the attachment pad used in
FEM calculations. ( b ) Variation of normalized pull-off force with the pulling angle. Periodic B.C.:
periodic boundary condition
D n
d cn
D t
d ct
l ¼
D t the tangential separation; d cn and
d ct are the corresponding critical separations. The force function
D n denotes the normal separation and
is taken to be
s max l=L 1
s max
s max ð 1 lÞ=ð 1 L 2 Þ;
ðl <L 1 Þ
ðL 1 <l<L 2 Þ
ðL 2 <l<
1 Þ
L 2 define the values of l at which the cohesive force reaches the peak.
Taking the partial derivatives of the potential with respect to the normal and
tangential separations gives the normal and tangential tractions as
L 1 and
T n ¼ @F
@D n ¼ D n
d cn 'ðlÞ
T t ¼ @F
@D t ¼ d cn
d ct D t
d ct 'ðlÞ
Clearly, Tvergaard-Hutchison law takes into account both normal and tangential
tractions with a constant work of adhesion
W ad ¼ 1 = 2 ð 1 þ L 2 L 1 Þs max d cn
The simulation system consists of a plane-strain anisotropic (transversely iso-
tropic) elastic pad adhering to a rigid substrate with a crack situated at the central
region of the contact interface (representing an adhesion flaw due to surface
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