Biomedical Engineering Reference
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In terms of material symmetry, the sef ( 3.171 ) must be insensitive to a change
of the reference configuration from ICFG 1 to ICFG 2 such that considering
( 3.174 ) the following relation yields
g C ¼ g F T F
¼ g
T F K 1
w ¼ g ðÞ¼ !
F K 1
¼ g K T F T F K 1
ð 3 : 175 Þ
Taking the definition for the right C AUCHY strain tensor ( 3.64 ) 1 into account,
from ( 3.175 ) the following symmetry condition arises
w ¼ g ðÞ¼ !
g K T C K 1
ð 3 : 176 Þ
In ( 3.176 ), w must take the same value independent of the deformation process
being controlled by C or by the variation of change of configuration systems
K T C K 1 generated by K.
Based on ( 3.176 ) various material symmetries can be defined which, in addi-
tion, can be associated with so-called crystal classes (not treated here). Extreme
cases are outlined, whereas in the case of an anisotropic representation of w the
reader is referred to Sect. .
1. Fully Anisotropic Materials. The tensor of the ''change in reference con-
figurations'' is the identity tensor such that
F ¼ F
K ¼ I
and according to ð 3 : 174 Þ; respectively ;
ð 3 : 177 Þ
whereby the material exhibits different material properties in each direction.
Relation ( 3.176 ) thereby is identically satisfied and can not be further reduced.
2. Isotropic Materials. The tensor of the ''change in reference configurations''
comprises all orthogonal transformations Q (cf. ( 3.154 ) such that
F ¼ F Q 1
K ¼ Q
and according to
3 : 17 ð Þ; respectively ;
ð 3 : 178 Þ
Q Q T ¼ Q T Q ¼ I
K 1 ¼ Q 1
detQ ¼þ 1
Based on ( 3.154 ) the relations K 1 ¼ Q 1 ¼ Q T and K T ¼ Q T ¼ Q hold
such that ( 3.176 ) transforms to the following condition of isotropy for scalar-
valued tensor functions of a tensor-valued variable
w ðÞ¼ w Q C Q T
ð 3 : 179 Þ
Materials that satisfy condition ( 3.179 ) exhibit equal material properties in all
directions (directional independence or isotropy) such that w always takes the
same values independent of the initial orientation of the body, no matter if the
process is controlled by C or by the variation Q C Q T generated by Q.
Based on representation theorems it can be shown (Spencer 1965; Smith 1969;
Wang 1969a, b) that condition ( 3.179 ) is satisfied if C is replaced by its three basic
invariants (which are insensitive regarding orthogonal transformations Q)
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