Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Material of Grade N. Constitutive equations of matters of grade N arise from
( 3.163 ) by truncating the T AYLOR series expansion after the N-th term. The func-
tional f thus takes gradients of F up the N-th grade into account, involving an
estimation of the remainder terms. Based on this, gradient theories or non-classical
continuum models can be developed, which describe micro-mechanical material
effects (Silber 1986; Alizadeh 2001; Trostel 1985, 1988).
Principle of Local Action - Materials of Grade 1 (Simple Matter). The
constitutive equation referring to simple matter (materials of grade 1) and going
back to (Coleman and Noll 1959) arises from ( 3.163 ) for N = 1 such that the
following form results
w ð X ; t Þ¼ f
h F ð X ; s Þi:
ð 3 : 164 Þ
s ¼1
The state of w at the material point X thus is influenced by its immediate
(infinitesimal) neighbourhood only, considered from a spatial point of view
(extreme case of the principle of local action), however, fully considering the
history of the deformation gradient F(X,s).
Since the argument F in ( 3.164 ) is not an objective tensor, the principle of
material objectivity must once more be applied to w to obtain a material equation
that satisfies all principles of rational mechanics. If, analogue to ( 3.152 ), the
constitutive equation for w with respect to the fixed observer in O is given by
( 3.164 ) and, analogue to ( 3.155 ), the constitutive equation of the moving observer
is given by
w ð X ; t Þ¼ f
h F ð X ; s Þi;
ð 3 : 165 Þ
s ¼1
the following must hold based on the assumption that the objectivity condition
( 3.156 ) 1 and ( 3.156 ) 2 , respectively, formally applies if the argument is F
w ¼ !
h F ð X ; s Þi¼ !
h F ð X ; s Þi:
ð 3 : 166 Þ
s ¼1
s ¼1
The ''E UKLIDIAN transformed argument'' F * in ( 3.165 ) and ( 3.166 ) is obtained
through substitution of ( 3.153 ) 1 and ( 3.153 ) 2 , respectively, in ( 3.49 ) and by
substituting x = y *
as well as considering the time-dependence of Q and c:
F ¼ y r 0 ¼½ Q ð t Þ y þ c ð t Þr 0 ¼½ Q ð t Þ y r 0 þ c ð t Þr 0 ¼ Q ð t Þð y r 0 Þ
¼ Q ð t Þ F ;
i.e. F ¼ Q ð t Þ F (which immediately implies that F is not an objective tensor).
Equation ( 3.166 ) thus is transformed into the following objectivity condition
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