Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Q Q T ¼ Q T Q ¼ I
Q T ¼ Q 1
det Q ¼þ 1 ; ð 3 : 154 Þ
and c(t) is an arbitrary (time-dependent) translation which is independent of Q.By
( 3.154 ), the constitutive equation of w, referred to the stationary (fixed) observer in
O, is given and,
w ð X ; t Þ¼ f
h v ð Y ; s Þi
ð 3 : 155 Þ
s ¼1
X ; Y 2 K
denotes the constitutive equation of the moving observer in O * . A scalar (and thus
also w) is referred to as objective if the following objectivity condition holds
h v ð Y ; s Þi¼ !
h v ð Y ; s Þi and
w and
w ¼ !
s ¼1
X ; Y 2 K
s ¼1
X ; Y 2 K
ð 3 : 156 Þ
h v ð Y ; s Þi ¼ !
h Q ð t Þ v ð Y ; t Þþ c ð t Þi
s ¼1
X ; Y 2 K
s ¼1
X ; Y
where the value of the functional f must equal the argument v and its transformed
v * . Since both quantities in ( 3.156 ) 3 , c(t) and Q, may take arbitrary values and are
independent from each other, they may be chosen as
c ð t Þ¼ v ð X ; t Þ and
Q ð t Þ¼ I
ð 3 : 157 Þ
such that, according to ( 3.157 ) 1 , the motion histories of all material points X, Y[ K
are equal and undergo a pure translation c(t) and, according to ( 3.157 ) 2 , the
rotation Q degenerates to identical mapping. Substitution of ( 3.157 )in( 3.156 ) 3
leads to the following reduced constitutive equation which satisfies the principles
of determinism and objectivity
w ð X ; t Þ¼ f
h v ð Y ; s Þ v ð X ; s Þi:
ð 3 : 158 Þ
s ¼1
X ; Y 2 K
According to ( 3.158 ), the sef at the material point X at position X at (present)
time t in the ICFG is not determined by the absolute motion v(Y, t) but rather by
the difference in motion histories v ð Y ; s Þ v ð X ; s Þ and thus in addition, by the
''action'' of all other body points with position Y in the ICFG (cf. Fig. 3.21 ).
Note: regarding Fig. 3.22 , using ( 3.153 ), ( 3.154 ) 1 can be rewritten as follows:
y ¼ Q T ð t Þ y Q T ð t Þ c ð t Þ Q T ð t Þ½ y c ð t Þ:
ð 3 : 159 Þ
According to ( 3.159 ) (at fixed y * ) the position y of the material point Y with
respect to the observer in O (visual line of the observer in O) is composed of the
translational motion -Q T c (O *
to O) and the rotated position y *
with respect to
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