Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 3.22 The principle of
observer indifference
material properties at each material point (material inhomogeneity). Aging effects
are observed, for example, in the form of creeping at decreasing velocity in con-
junction with concrete. The principle of determinism thus accommodates only the
remote past (including the present time) of the particular process, which is referred to
as a memory of a material. Future effects, however, are not accounted for (which can
not be strictly excluded from a natural philosophical perspective!) (Fig. 3.21 ).
Restricted to homogenous and non-aging materials, the explicit dependence of
X and t no longer applies, such that ( 3.151 ) takes the form
w ð X ; t Þ¼ f
h v ð Y ; s Þi:
ð 3 : 152 Þ
s ¼1
X ; Y 2 K
Principle of material objectivity (observer or frame indifference, observer
change). A material equation must not depend on the choice of the reference frame
or observer. A sef, thus, must provide the same value of w for two observers in
relative motion if both observers trace the motion history of one material point X
relative to different points of reference O and O * (cf. Fig. 3.22 ). When v(X, t) and
v*(X, t), respectively, are the configurations (motions) of the same body K ; from
the point of view of two different observers O and O * , respectively, and
y* = v*(Y,t) and y = v(Y, t), respectively, are the corresponding motion histories.
The latter are related using the E UKLIDIAN transformation (rigid body motion) (in
( 3.153 ) 2 the definition ( 3.47 ) was used)
y ¼ Q ðÞ y þ c ðÞ
v Y ; ðÞ¼ Q ðÞ v Y ; ðÞþ c ðÞ with
Q ð t ¼ 0 Þ¼ I
c ð t ¼ 0 Þ¼ 0 :
ð 3 : 153 Þ
In ( 3.153 ), Q(t) is a (proper) orthogonal time-dependent rotation tensor defined
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