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Equation ( 3.143 ) transforms to the second law of thermodynamics in global
form, also referred to as C LAUSIUS -D UHEM -inequality
qgdV Z
T dV þ Z
C ¼ d
q r
n q
T dA 0 :
ð 3 : 145 Þ
The second law of thermodynamics in local form is obtained by expressing the
surface integrals in ( 3.145 ) as volume integrals using the G AUSS ' integral theorem
q g qr
q g qr
T þr q
T þ 1
T r q 1
T 2 q r T 0 :
ð 3 : 146 Þ
Eliminating the divergence of the heat flow vector r q in ( 3.146 ) by using
( 3.142 ), the following form of the second law of thermodynamics is obtained,
which plays in important role during the generation process of constitutive models
S D q ð w þ g T Þ
q D
T q r T
0 :
ð 3 : 147 Þ
q D L
In ( 3.147 ), q D : ¼ S D q ð w þ g T Þ is specific dissipation power (per unit
reference volume) (or the internal entropy production of the continuum body) and
q D WL : ¼ T q r T is the specific entropy production (per unit reference volume)
due to temperature equalization. According to Truesdell and Noll (1965), the
inequality ( 3.147 ) must be fulfilled for both parts such that
q D : ¼ S D q ð w þ g T Þ 0
holds :
ð 3 : 148 Þ
Multiplying ( 3.148 ) with J = q 0 /q and defining the strain energy function
(referred to the undeformed volume element in the ICFG) by w : ¼ q 0 w ; ( 3.148 )
degenerates in the case of isothermal processes (T = const) to
D JS D w 0 :
q 0
ð 3 : 149 Þ
In the case of (hyper-) elastic materials, the equality condition of the second law
of thermodynamics ( 3.148 ) applies leading to
D JS D w ¼ 0 :
q 0
ð 3 : 150 Þ
3.2.6 Constitutive Equations
Strain and stress measures, as well as universally valid balance equations in the
form of linear and angular momentum principles and the first law of thermody-
namics, represent material independent relations. To characterize material, equa-
tions are needed which provide a relation between kinematic (motion, strain and
their time derivatives) and dynamic (stress and, if applicable, its time derivatives)
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