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½ S L r q þ qr q u þðr S þ k qv Þ
v dV
ð 3 : 138 Þ
ð S L r q þ qr q u Þ dV ¼ 0 :
The integral ( 3.138 ) again must vanish for arbitrary volume V such that the
integrand itself must equal zero. Due to the symmetry of S in the double scalar
product S D, the symmetric part of L, namely the rate of deformation tensor
(stretch rate tensor) D given by
D ¼ 1
2 ð L þ L T Þ 1
2 ð v rþr v Þ¼ 1
2 ð F F 1 þ F T F T Þ¼ D T
ð 3 : 139 Þ
can be used to finally lead to the first law of thermodynamics in local form
q u ¼ S D r q þ qr :
ð 3 : 140 Þ
In ( 3.138 ), the term S D is referred to as specific stress power (per unit
reference volume) (for the one-dimensional form of the stress power look ( 3.108 )).
It is convenient to use the L EGENDRE -transformation
w : ¼ u gT
ð 3 : 141 Þ
to introduce the H ELMHOLTZ free energy w with the internal specific energy u, the
entropy g and the absolute temperature T. Differentiation of ( 3.141 ) with respect to
time leads to
w ¼ u gT g T and ( 3.140 ) thus can be written
q w ¼ S D r q þ qr q ð g T þ gT Þ:
ð 3 : 142 Þ Second Law of Thermodynamics
The following form of the second law of thermodynamics, often found in the
literature (Eringen 1967), can be used for a continuum body
C ¼ K U N 0 :
ð 3 : 143 Þ
According to ( 3.143 ), the total production of entropy C equals to the time rate
of change of the entropy K reduced by the entropy flux U and the source N, where
the production of entropy C cannot be negative. In ( 3.143 ), the equal sign repre-
sents reversible processes and, the greater-than sign represents irreversible pro-
cesses. With the definitions
K : ¼ Z
U : ¼ Z
N : ¼ Z
n q
q r
qgdV ;
T dA ;
ð 3 : 144 Þ
T dV
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