Biomedical Engineering Reference
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P I ¼ K
A 0
A 0
A 0
¼ A
A 0
ð 3 : 83 Þ
which however, is no longer valid in the three-dimensional case, cf. ( 3.96 ). Var-
ious other stress measures exist which only make sense in the three-dimensional
case. In conclusion, in the one-dimensional case where the stress distribution
across the (bar) section is not constant, the (longitudinal) stress P I
and r and the
(tensile) force K are related by
K ¼ Z
A 0
P I dA 0 ¼ Z
ð 3 : 84 Þ
where generally, the force K is the integral of the stresses acting at the area
element dA 0 and dA, respectively, and the rule ''stress equals force divided by
area'' no longer holds true. From ( 3.84 ) the expressions ( 3.81 ) and ( 3.82 ) for
constant stress distribution are implied. The previous guidelines can then be
expanded to the three-dimensional case. Stress State and Stress Vectors
Inside a body (mechanical device, human body) subjected to external load (forces,
moments, distributed loads) interparticle contact stress results which can be made
'visible' and mathematically accessible by means of the E ULER cut principle.
If, for example, a body is loaded by a gravity force G and a contact force K and
supported by bearings with bearing reaction forces L 1 and L 2 and, the body is cut
into two pieces at any arbitrary point, cf. Fig. 3.16 a, distributed area forces in
terms of stress vectors t must be assigned in the cutting plane A (at both of the
resulting body parts K 1 and K 2 --the latter is not depicted in Fig. 3.16 a). Fur-
thermore, by division into two separate bodies, the gravity force G is divided into
G 1 and G 2 . The stress vectors act upon the current area element dA (in the CCFG)
and are referred to as true or C AUCHY stress. Under formal aspects and beneficial
for later guidelines, a stress vector t 0 can be defined which relates to an area
element dA 0 in the ICFG and is referred to as nominal or first P IOLA -K IRCHHOFF
stress. Both stress vectors differ in every point of the area in magnitude, direction
and sense and thus create an irregular 'stress topology' over area A and A 0 .
Integration of all stress vectors t 0 and t, acting upon dA 0 and dA, respectively,
yields the resulting section force K S , cf. Fig. 3.16 b and c.
K S ¼ Z
A 0
t 0 dA 0 ¼ Z
tdA :
ð 3 : 85 Þ
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