Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 3.14 Application of the
polar decomposition theorem
on a sphere
Polar Decomposition Theorem. According to ( 3.49 ), the deformation gradient
does not contain any translational parts but only rotational parts of the motion.
This can be seen as follows: two motions x 1 and x 2 ¼ x 1 þ c ð t Þ that differ only by
a (time-dependent) translation c ð t Þ have equal deformation gradients F 1 and F 2
c ð t Þ the
c ð t Þr vanishes:
F 2 x 2 r¼½ x 1 þ c ð t Þr¼ x 1 c ð t Þr¼ x 1 r F 1 :
The rotational parts of the motion become apparent by polar decomposition
F ¼ R U ¼ V R :
ð 3 : 59 Þ
where F may be decomposed uniquely into a right and a left stretch tensor U and
V, respectively, and a rotation tensor (or versor) R where U and V are symmetric
and positive definite tensors (x 0 is an arbitrary vector)
U ¼ U T ;
V ¼ V T
x U x [ 0 ;
x V x [ 0 :
ð 3 : 60 Þ
Using U and V the configurational change of line-, area- and volume elements
etc. at unrotated principal directions may be described, i.e. only the extensions (or
compressions) of the particular object are described (cf. Fig. 3.14 ). Tensor R is an
orthogonal tensor with
R R T ¼ R T R ¼ I
R T ¼ R 1
det R ¼þ 1 :
ð 3 : 61 Þ
where R denotes a rigid body rotation of the principal directions (cf. Fig. 3.14 ).
In general, tensor R changes at every continuum point and describes the rigid
rotation of a material line element (and the principal axis frame) but not the
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