Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 3.13 On the
transformation of line-, area-
and volume elements
sometimes preferred) which provides a linear transformation between the directed
area elements dA 0 and dA in the ICFG and CCFG (transformation of area ele-
ments). The term J ¼ det F is referred to as J ACOBI determinant which is obtained
by forming the determinant of matrix ( 3.52 ).
Furthermore, regarding the volume elements dV 0 and dV in the ICFG and
CCFG (cf. Fig. 3.13 ) transformation (of volume elements), yields (without proof)
dV ¼ JdV 0
J ¼ det F :
ð 3 : 55 Þ
Remarks: Since dV and dV 0 are always positive, it follows from ( 3.55 ) that the
determinant of F is always positive, namely J ¼ det F [ 0 : Motions where J ¼ 1
lead according to ( 3.55 )todV ¼ dV 0 and are referred to as volume preservative or
Displacement Gradient. With respect to linearization of strain tensors (see
Sect. ), it is necessary to introduce the material displacement gradient H
given as follows
H ð X ; t Þ : ¼ u ð X ; t Þr:
ð 3 : 56 Þ
The relationship between the deformation gradient and the displacement gra-
dient is established by substituting ( 3.48 )in( 3.49 ) which leads to F ¼ x
ð u þ X Þr¼ u X r: With respect to Cartesian coordinates ( 3.46 ) and ( 3.50 ),
the second term of the right side reads X r¼ð X i e i Þð o = oX j e j Þ¼ oX i = oX j e i e j ¼
d ij e i e j ¼ e i e i ¼ I ; i.e. the identity tensor I (the same can also be deduced vecto-
rially using the operation X X ð o = oX Þ¼ oX = oX ¼ I where the partial deri-
vation of X with respect to X yields the ''tensorial one''). Together with ( 3.56 )it
follows (compare with the one-dimensional form ( 3.45 ))
F ¼ I þ H
x I þ u r:
ð 3 : 57 Þ
Analogue to ( 3.51 ), the representation of H with respect to a OBS reads
H ¼ H ij e i e j ¼ o u i
ox j e i e j :
ð 3 : 58 Þ
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