Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 3.9 Change of length
and strain of a tensile bar
Dl ¼ l l 0 :
ð 3 : 37 Þ
Strain is expressed by the ratio of a change in length Dl per unit of the original
or initial length l 0 . As long as the bar is exposed to homogenous deformation (i.e.
identical deformation at each point of the specimen), the (normal) strain e reads
e : ¼ Dl
l 0
¼ l l 0
l 0
¼ l
l 0
1 :
ð 3 : 38 Þ
If the deformation is not homogenous, in general, a different deformation at
every point X of the material is apparent. Considering an (undeformed) line ele-
ment with length dX at the position X in the ICFG and the (deformed) line element
with length dx at the position x in the CCFG, the change in length is obtained using
the displacement u ð x Þ of the element at position X (cf. Fig. 3.9 )by
du ¼ dx dX
u ð X Þ¼ x X :
ð 3 : 39 Þ
In addition, the local strain or ''engineering strain'' (note that again, according
to definition ( 3.38 ) the ratio of change in length du and initial length dX is
expressed) thus derives to
e ¼ du
dX ¼ dx dX
dX ð x X Þ¼ dx
dX 1 :
ð 3 : 40 Þ
Relations ( 3.37 )-( 3.40 ) are elementary mechanics relations. In continuum
mechanics the strain e, the (current) coordinate x in the CCFG and the displace-
ment coordinate u generally depend on the position X in the ICFG as well as the
time t. More precisely, equation ( 3.40 ) thus reads
e ð X ; t Þ¼ o u ð X ; t Þ
¼ o x ð X ; t Þ
ð 3 : 41 Þ
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