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On the other hand, it can be shown that due to the structure of ( 3.5 ), the relative
derivation d G l = dt must vanish (this can be demonstrated by scalar multiplication
of ( 3.5 ) with l and presenting the vectors in any arbitrary basis) such that ( 3.6 )
degenerates to
l ¼ x l l x
ð 3 : 7 Þ
(note in ( 3.7 ) the anti-commutativity of the cross product). By substitution of ( 3.7 )
in ( 3.5 ) it follows after rearrangement
l x þ cl B 0 l ð x þ cB 0 Þ¼ 0 :
ð 3 : 8 Þ
Since, in general, l is not aligned parallel to B 0 and x ; the bracket term in ( 3.8 )
must vanish for l 0 : This, however, immediately leads to the (coordinate-
invariant) L AMOR -equation (Joseph L AMOR , Irish physicist: *1857-1942)
x ¼ cB 0
x L ¼ cB 0
ð 3 : 9 Þ
with x L termed L ARMOR -'Frequency'. It represents the response of a single proton,
i.e. single magnetic moment, in an external field without considering any inter-
action with the environment, i.e. the magnetic fields produced by the spin of
neighbouring protons. The L ARMOR -Frequency depends on the specific elementary
particle species, and it varies with the strength of the external magnetic field.
The torque T induced by the external magnetic field B 0 (see ( 3.3 )) acting
perpendicular to the spin axis on the proton's magnetic dipole moment l thus leads
to a precession with angular frequency x L about the external magnetic field's
longitudinal axis on basis of the law of conservation of angular momentum. In case
of a static field, the rotation is a constant precession.
Proceeding from microscopic magnetization resulting from one single proton to
a finite number N of protons contained in a certain volume element (voxel, abbrev.
for volumetric pixel) with volume V, the vector sum of the magnetic dipole
moments leads to a macroscopic net magnetization M in the direction of the
external field, i.e. the magnetic dipole moment per unit volume V (this is done by
introducing l i ; into ( 3.6 ) and summing both sides over i and dividing by V)
M ¼ :
l i
ð 3 : 10 Þ
i ¼ 1
where the order of the series expansion N is the number of protons contained in
V. Due to incoherent precession, the vector sum of magnetization in the x-y-
direction vanishes.
Using ( 3.5 ) and the summed magnetic dipole moments ( 3.10 ), results in a
differential equation in terms magnetization
M ¼ cM B 0 :
ð 3 : 11 Þ
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