Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 5.23 FE-models for separate material parameter optimization (displacement-driven inter-
face nodes): a fat model, b muscle-bone model
O GDEN -model valid for non-linear isotropic hyperelastic slightly compressible
materials proved to be valuable. Based on the O GDEN -model, the K IRCHHOFF stress
tensor s 0 is given by [cf. symbols and outlines in Sect. 3.2 —''Continuum
Mechanics'', Sect. , as well as index '0' which refers to steady state elas-
ticity according to (3.272)]
s 0 ¼ 2 X
l k
k a k i 1
þ k
a k J a 3
k a k
Þ 2k 1
D k JJ 1
n i n i :
i ¼ 1
k ¼ 1
j ¼ 1
The assumption of slight compressibility refers to outlines given in (Veronda
and Westmann 1970) and (Fung 1993). Constitutive equations of other forms than
the O GDEN -law may be used as long as they can describe high deformation and
distortion occurring during tissue indentation. The H OLZAPFEL -G ASSER -O GDEN -
model has been shown to be more adequate for the elastic and viscoelastic tissue
material description, cf. Sect. .
Long-term Parameter Identification: The basic idea in identifying appro-
priate (long-term) material parameters for skin/fat and muscle, which account for
the test conditions, is to simulate the separate fat and muscle model independently
(cf. Fig. 5.22 a and b), and to parameterize the material coefficients a k , l k and D k in
(3.272). The Poisson's ratio, which is assumed to be m = 0.495 for both fat and
muscle accounting for slight compressibility, was held constant during parameter
optimization. Consequently, D 1 was determined from l 0 and m using (3.273) 4 .
The optimization algorithm coded in Fortran and based on the deterministic
S IMPLEX strategy (Spendley et al. 1962) was coupled with the A BAQUS FE-solver
(A BAQUS Inc., Rhode Island/USA) following the inverse FE-method and is
described in detail in Sect. 3.3 . The model function f i M (h i , p) defined in the quality
functional (3.364) represents in the case of (3.272) the indenter force-displacement
relation, the values f i E and h i are the measured force-displacement data of the
indenter as well as the material parameter a k , l k and D k which represent the
coordinates of the parameter vector p. The optimization algorithm was subject to
the following constraints setting the norm-parameter m = 2: at each indenter
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