Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 5.19 Transversal MRI-scans of the human gluteal region in the indentation axis plane of
eight volunteers (4 male: M1-M4/4 female: F1-F4)
Fig. 5.20 Force-displacement data derived from the gluteal region of a four female volunteers
(age: 37-70), and b six male volunteers (age: 24-65)
compared to fat from females, and in addition, blocks at lower strain. Gender
assignation of muscle force-displacement data is, however, not possible since the
male and female curves partially cross.
From Table 5.2 and Fig. 5.19 , it is apparent that with increasing muscle tissue
thickness transversal stiffness increases for male and female transversally loaded
passive muscle tissue. The tissue compound data, Fig. 5.18 , permit differentiation
between male and female characteristics, since the compound data from males
show stiffer response compared to that from females. Further differentiation of
these cluster-properties with respect to age, body mass etc. cannot be done based
on the derived force-displacement data.
Critical Review: Based on measured force-displacement data, conclusions
regarding material properties of fat and muscle tissue cannot be made since such
data is not geometry independent. The depicted force-displacement data relies on
the individual anatomical structures of the indentation region and, furthermore, the
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