Biomedical Engineering Reference
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or computer tomography were used as the basis in the modeling process. Each
scanned 2 D-slice has to be reconstructed so that the single tissue types, skin,
adipose tissue, muscle tissue, bone etc., can be separated and then can be recon-
structed with appropriate tools (M IMICS or S IMPLEWARE ) to generate 3 D surface
data. With the help of pre-processing software (H YPER M ESH or A NSA ), a finite
element mesh is to generate based on these surface data, cf. Sect. 5.3 .
2.7 FE Model of the Interaction System
To finally perform simulations of tissue/support interaction, both units, human
body model and tSD must be merged, using defined boundary conditions
according to the desired loading situation. In addition, the previously established
material parameters must be assigned to the specific body regions and the tSD
materials, cf. Chap. 6 .
2.8 Numerical Simulation of the Tissue-Support Interaction
The final simulation of tissue loading was performed using an appropriate equation
solver (e.g. A BAQUS or A NSYS ). Post-processing of the simulation data was done
by means of processing software such as A BAQUS -V IEWER or H YPER V IEW . Tissue
stress and strain were thus evaluated and visualized, cf. Chap. 6 and Chap. 7 .
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