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To show convexity of the volumetric term of the O GDEN -H ILL Model, the
second derivative with regard to ( 3.209 ) 2 yields
J a j b j 2 0
dJ 2 ¼ 2 X
d 2 f
a j
l j
þ b j
ð 3 : 446 Þ
j ¼ 1
which is true using the sufficient restrictions l j [ 0, a j [ 0 and b j [ 0. Other
sufficient case distinctions lead to negative values of b j .
The O GDEN model for slightly compressible materials ( 3.208 ) 2 , however, is not
a special case of ( 3.443 ) and can thus not be directly compared.
In the following, the B AKER -E RICKSEN inequalities ( 3.434 ) and ( 3.436 ) are
applied to the O GDEN -H ILL model ( 3.274 ), and the O GDEN model for slightly
compressible materials ( 3.272 ) 2 , to deduce implications on the material constants.
Using ( 3.99 ), ( 3.253 ) 1 and ( 3.274 ), the principle C AUCHY -stresses deduced from the
O GDEN -H ILL model read
S ii ¼ 2J 1 X
l j
a j
k a j i J a j b j
ð 3 : 447 Þ
j ¼ 1
and in conjunction with ( 3.434 ) the first Baker-Ericksen inequality yields
2J 1 X
l j
a j
ð k a j i k a k Þð k i k k Þ [ 0 :
ð 3 : 448 Þ
j ¼ 1
A sufficient condition regarding the choice of parameter l j in ( 3.448 )is
l j [ 0
j ¼ 1 ; ... ; N
ð 3 : 449 Þ
with no restrictions on parameter a j . Due to the form of the first B AKER -E RICKSEN
inequalities no restriction can be deduced for parameter b j .
Furthermore, from ( 3.436 ) the following inequalities for the O GDEN -H ILL model
are obtained which restrict the choice of parameter a j and b j
i [ 0 :
2 X
l j
a j
ð a j 1 Þ k a j 2
þð a j b j þ 1 Þ k 2
J a j b j
ð 3 : 450 Þ
j ¼ 1
Sufficient conditions regarding the choice of parameters l j , a j and b j
in ( 3.450 )
l j [ 0
a j [ 1
b j [ 1
j ¼ 1 ; ... ; N :
ð 3 : 451 Þ
The b j values are further restricted due to consistence with classical linear
theory, cf. ( 3.432 ). From comparison with ( 3.445 ) it can be seen that the restric-
tions vary only slightly.
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