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On the basis of H ILL ' S inequality for instance (Ogden 1972a), deduced for
incompressible materials, using a strain-energy function of the form (see ( 3.203 )in
Sect. )
w ¼ X
l j
a j
k a 1 þ k a j 2 þ k a j 3 3
ð 3 : 440 Þ
j ¼ 1
the following restriction on the parameters
l j a j [ 0 ð j ¼ 1 ; ... ; N Þ:
ð 3 : 441 Þ
Equation ( 3.441 ) is required to hold for each term j of the series expansion of
( 3.440 ) with no summation over j.
The latter class of inequalities of the above listed, the polyconvexity require-
ment (polyconvexity guarantees the existence of real wave speeds in the material
for all possible deformations), was shown by B ALL to be crucial for a strain-energy
function to clear out the conflicts with physical requirements (e.g. buckling phe-
nomena, ( 3.393 ) 1 and (3.393) 2 . In Ball (1977), it is outlined that a strain-energy
function is polyconvex if it is convex in its respective arguments, namely F, Cof
F and det F (see Sect. Eq. ( 3.206 ))
w ðÞ¼ w F ; Cof F ; det F
ð 3 : 442 Þ
where the cofactor of the deformation gradient F according to ( 3.207 ) 4 is defined
as Cof F : ¼ð det F Þ F T .
The criterion of polyconvexity leads, according to Ciarlet (1988), p.174-181 et
seq. and Dhondt (2004), p.189, to the definition of a general class of strain-energy
functions of the form (without the normalizing constant 3 ¼ tr I)
w ð k 1 ; k 2 ; k 3 Þ¼ X
a i ð k c 1 þ k c 2 þ k c 3 Þþ X
b j J d j ð k d 1 þ k d 2 þ k d 3 Þþ f ð J Þ
i ¼ 1
j ¼ 1
ð 3 : 443 Þ
with the following requirements on the coefficients and exponents respectively,
and the function f ð J Þ ,
a i [ 0 and c i 1 ; 1 i m ;
b j [ 0 and d j 1 ; 1 j n ;
f ð J Þ is convex for 0 J þ1:
ð 3 : 444 Þ
Comparison of the O GDEN -H ILL model, ( 3.209 ), with ( 3.443 ) with b j ¼ 0 leads
with the polyconvexity requirements ( 3.444 ), to the following restrictions on l j
and a j of ( 3.209 )
l j [ 0
a j 1
j ¼ 1 ; ... ; N :
ð 3 : 445 Þ
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