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This assumption represents a possible approach for developing a criterion for
the material stability in terms of material parameter restrictions. Using the
example of the modified O GDEN -H ILL strain-energy potential (Ogden 1972a, b;
Hill 1978), (a.k.a. Ogden foam model) which is referred to as Hyperfoam in
A BAQUS , and used to characterize soft polymeric foam materials in Sect. 4.3 , the
concept of D RUCKER stability is briefly summarized as follows.
Regarding ( 3.96 ), ( 3.99 ), ( 3.274 ) and ( 3.352 ) and also using spectral repre-
sentation for G H the spectral forms of the K IRCHHOFF stress tensor and the H ENCKY
strain tensor read
s ¼ F P I ¼ X
¼ 2 X
l j
a j
ð 3 : 395 Þ
s i k i P ii k i o w
ok i
k a j i J a j b j
s i n i n i ;
i ¼ 1
j ¼ 1
G H ¼ X
G i
G i ¼ lnk i
n i n i
ð 3 : 396 Þ
i ¼ 1
with the identical eigenvectors n i ; and s i and G i are the principal values of tensor
s and G H ; respectively. Substituting ( 3.395 )in( 3.394 ) leads to the following
ds i dG i
[ 0 :
ð 3 : 397 Þ
i ¼ 1
With regard to ( 3.396 ), the differential logarithmic strain and the volume ratio
dG j ¼ d ln k j ¼ dk j
ð j ¼ 1 ; 2 ; 3 Þ
k j
ð 3 : 398 Þ
¼ J X
dk j
k j
dG j
dJ ¼ d k 1 k 2 k 3
j ¼ 1
j ¼ 1
respectively, and therefore the total differential of ( 3.395 ) 2 reads
ds i ¼ 2 X
l j ½ð k a j i þ A i Þ dG i þ A j ð dG 1 þ dG 2 þ dG 3 dG i Þ ð i ¼ 1 ; 2 ; 3 Þ:
j ¼ 1
ð 3 : 399 Þ
whereby the abbreviation A j : ¼ b j J a j b j is introduced.
Considering equation ( 3.399 ), the relation between changes in the K IRCHHOFF
stress and changes in logarithmic strain are described by the matrix equation
(underlined symbols denote column vectors and matrices, respectively).
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