Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Having provided comparable (force) values, the least-square problem for the
illustrated case can be formulated as follows
i 2 ! min : ð 3 : 390 Þ
U k ð a k ; p ; m k ; p ; ... Þ : ¼ X
F sim
k ; i ð a k ; p ; m k ; p ; ... Þj u si i F exp
k ; i j u sim
i ¼ 1
Performing interpolation, the following case distinctions should be covered in
the program code to exclude ambiguity:
(i) points, i.e. function arguments, are identical, u ex n ¼ u si m : no interpolation is
needed, and (force) deviation can be deduced directly
(ii) points, i.e. function arguments, are unequal, u ex n u si m : interpolation is
(iii) both points, i.e. function arguments, are unequal, u ex n u si m
and one set
max [ u si max : interpolation of the
function value corresponding to the smaller argument on the interpolant
associated to the curve containing the larger argument.
Remark: As described in Sects. 3.3 and 3.4.1 , the A BAQUS finite element solver
was used to solve the boundary value problem for each iteration step, cf. Figs. 3.31
and 3.32 . In this process, the ask_delete parameter in the A BAQUS environment
file is set to off in order to run simulations without prompting for attributes.
contains larger valued function arguments u exp
3.4.8 Optimization Constraints: Material Stability
As described in Sects. 4.3 and 5.3 , long-term human soft tissue and long-term soft
foam material behavior were modeled using hyperelastic material models. These
models assume that the material behavior can be derived from a strain-energy
potential. Such a potential is non-dissipative, path independent and reversible. It is
commonly referred to as a strain-(stored)-energy (density) function, which rep-
resents the strain-energy stored in the material per unit of reference volume. Fur-
thermore, elastic materials for which a strain-energy function can be formulated are
referred to as G REEN -elastic or hyperelastic materials. Restrictions are imposed on
the form of the strain-energy function based on physical considerations, and the
strain-energy function must thus be consistent with the following issues:
(i) w must be positive for any deformation
w ¼ w ð k i Þ [ 0
0 \ k i \ 1 with
k i 1
and ð i ¼ 1 ; 2 ; 3 Þ
ð 3 : 391 Þ
where the k i denote the principal stretches.
(ii) w must be equal to zero in the strainless initial state where no strain-energy
is stored
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