Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Linear interpolation of experimental data points in the interval [u exp
, u exp
Fig. 3.34
h þ 1 ] on the
linear interpolant of the experimental curve in that interval at arguments u sim
The term in parenthesis in ( 3.385 ) denotes the Euclidian norm (L 2 -norm) of the
residual vector jj r jj E
which is to be minimized
fjj r jj E ¼j X
½ h i f i T ½ h i f i ð h i ; p Þ T jjg! min :
ð 3 : 387 Þ
i ¼ 1
The square of the Euclidian norm of the residual vector thus equals the sum of
squared residuals, equivalent to the least-square definition given in ( 3.385 )
k r k E ¼ X
½ f i f i ð v i ; p Þ 2 :
ð 3 : 388 Þ
i ¼ 1
The least-square solution of ( 3.385 ) is thus defined as a vector p which
minimizes the Euclidian norm of the residual vector r, i.e. minimizing the sum of
squares of the moduli of the residual r i . As outlined previously, in tissue and foam
material parameter optimization, function values are provided by the finite element
solver. This represents a non-linear least-square problem where, in addition, the
model function is not accessible. Therefore, an iterative numerical parameter
optimization algorithm, e.g. a direct or probabilistic method, must be employed to
find values of the parameters p i , which minimize the quality or objective function
U k . In general, however, in linear least-square fitting, adoption of iterative pro-
cedures is not necessary since the methods of differential calculus can be applied
to the model function. For this reason, the sum of the squares of the residual is
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