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may be interpreted as equilibrium stress and r M as the dissipative part of the total
stress r and equation ( 3.301 ) 4 may be interpreted as an evolution equation of r M as
long as r M is considered an internal variable. At constant stress, the P OYNTING -
T HOMSON model responds spontaneously elastically and then creeps (asymptoti-
cally) towards a strain value, cf. Fig. 3.24 b. Similarly, at constant strain, the stress
relaxes towards a final stress value, cf. Fig. 3.24 c.
Representation for Second P IOLA -K IRCHHOFF Stress Tensor. For the previ-
ously introduced class of materials, generally, a potential for the stress in form of a
strain energy function w is postulated which, according to the one-dimensional
rheological model (cf. Fig. 3.24 ) and in extension to the hyperelastic case ( 3.171 ),
is formulated as a function of a strain tensor (C is used instead of G) and further
second order tensors C k (k = 1,2,….,n) [cf. e.g. (Simo 1987; Govindjee and Simo
1992; Holzapfel et al. 1996)]
w ¼ w C ; C 1 ; C 2 ; :::; C n
ð 3 : 302 Þ
The C k are intended to represent the dissipative effects of the viscoelastic
material and are referred to as (non-observable) internal variables, hidden vari-
ables or history variables in contrast to external (measurable) variables such as F.
In the case of dissipative media and isothermal processes, the C LAUSIUS -D UHEM -
inequality ( 3.149 ), q 0 D JS D w 0, must be satisfied such that, considering
the equality of conjugated stress and strain measures JS D ¼ P II G and 2 G ¼
C and using ( 3.302 ), it follows
2 P II o w C ; C 1 ; C 2 ; :::; C n
o w C ; C 1 ; C 2 ; :::; C n
C k 0 :
oC k
k ¼ 1
ð 3 : 303 Þ
From ( 3.303 ) and the arbitrary choice of the tensor C, the formulation for the
second P IOLA -K IRCHHOFF stress tensor P II and the residual inequality for non-
negative internal dissipation or local entropy production reads
and X
P II ¼ 2 o w C ; C 1 ; C 2 ; :::; C n
o w C ; C 1 ; C 2 ; :::; C n
C k 0
oC k
k ¼ 1
ð 3 : 304 Þ
Following Simo (1987), the decoupled strain energy function with an elastic
part w 0 , cf. ( 3.194 ), and a dissipative part w d is introduced as follows with a
residual internal variable C 1 : C
w C ; ð Þ : ¼ w 0 C ; ð Þþ w d C ; ð Þ
w d C ; ð Þ : ¼ 1
w 0 C ; ð Þ : ¼ w 0
2 C C ð Þþ w d ðÞ
ð 3 : 305 Þ
ðÞþ f 0 ðÞ and
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