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the overall tissue [ 2 , 8 ], present results recover the tissue stiffening experienced at
the macroscale, confirming as this occurrence can be associated with the formation
of mature cross-links [ 57 , 58 ].
6 Microscale Mechanics: Fibers
A collagen fiber is modeled as a homogeneous beam with a circular cross-section
of radius r F and with a periodic planar centerline in both reference and actual
configurations (Fig. 7 ). Let the along-the-chord nominal strain measure be defined
as e F ¼ L = L o 1 ; L (respectively L o ) being the actual (reference) fiber period.
Moreover, let the Cartesian frame ð t ; n Þ be introduced, with the unit vector t
aligned with the actual fiber chord direction, and let x be the coordinate along t.
Accordingly, the centerline position vector results in r ð x ; e F Þ¼ f ð x ; e F Þ n þ x t,
where f ð x ; e F Þ denotes the centerline curve, whose slope with respect to t is defined
by the angle a ð x ; e F Þ .
Following a constrained Hu-Washizu variational approach, and disregarding
any shear and Poisson-related effect, the tangent equivalent along-the-chord fiber
modulus E eq results in [ 59 ]:
þ A F f 2
1 ;
i I F cos 2 a
E eq ð e F Þ¼ E c I F cos a
ð 12 Þ
where E c is the tangent elastic modulus of the fiber material along the direction
perpendicular to the fiber cross-section, A F ¼ pr F ; I F ¼ pr F = 4, and symbol hi
denotes the curvilinear average operator defined along the curvilinear coordinate s
following the fiber centerline, that is
Z e F Þ
e F Þ
ds ;
ð 13 Þ
e F Þ being the length over a period of the actual fiber centerline. By assuming the
fiber material behavior to be governed by the fibril non-linear constitutive
response, that is enforcing the constitutive inter-scale condition E c ¼ E f ð e f Þ , nano-
and mesoscale mechanical effects are straightforwardly included in the mechanical
description of a collagen fiber. Nominal strain e f associated with e F , that is the
function e f ¼ e f ð e F Þ , is computed from the following inter-scale compatibility
e f ¼Lð e F Þ=Lð 0 Þ 1 ;
ð 14 Þ
e F Þ¼ Z L
cos a :
ð 15 Þ
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