Biomedical Engineering Reference
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In collagenous soft tissues, collagen molecules are mainly of type I and they
exhibit hydroxyproline-deficient sequences characterized by 60 residues (about
20 nm long), referred to as labile domains and indicated as molecular kinks [ 2 ].
Their measure of length ' kinks is comparable with the value of the persistence
length 1 ' p for collagen (about 14 nm). This evidence confirms that molecular kinks
are activated by thermal fluctuations [ 2 , 9 ] and can be extended by forces at
molecular ends that counteract thermal undulations. In this case entropic mecha-
nisms are activated and a transition regime is experienced, from less ordered
molecular states (thermally-activated kinks) to more ordered ones (nearly straight
macromolecule). In this regime, usually referred to as entropic elasticity [ 9 ], the
mechanical response of collagen macromolecules is mainly dominated by the
flexural behavior of the polypeptide helices rather than by the extensibility of
intra-molecular covalent bonds. Accordingly, neglecting any stretching effect of
the intra-molecular bonds and in agreement with the Worm-Like Chain (WLC)
model [ 10 , 11 ], the pair of equilibrated forces F s to be applied at molecular ends
for obtaining the end-to-end molecular length ' m results in:
41 ' m =' c
Þ 2 1
4 þ ' m
F s ð' m Þ¼ q
ð 1 Þ
' c
where ' c is the molecular contour length and q ¼ k B T =' p ; T being the absolute
temperature and k B the Boltzmann constant. Equation ( 1 ) exhibits a pole for
' m ¼ ' c , highlighting that the WLC-model is not able to capture an extension of
the end-to-end molecular length over ' c involving entropic mechanisms only.
Nevertheless, well-established evidences on collagen show a significant level of
molecular extensibility beyond ' c [ 12 ]. Accordingly, when ' m approaches ' c the
applied force contributes to activate the stretch of molecular covalent bonds,
inducing the onset of energetic mechanisms [ 9 , 11 ].
Theoretical models accounting for the extensibility of biopolymer macromol-
ecules over ' c have been recently proposed in [ 13 - 15 ], and the transition regime
from entropic towards energetic elasticity for collagen has been numerically
investigated by using Molecular Dynamical Simulations (MDSs) [ 9 ]. MDS-based
results proposed in [ 9 ] have been successfully recovered by the theoretical
approach developed in [ 15 ], wherein the transition mechanisms were consistently
described by a physically-based lumped-parameter equilibrium formulation,
avoiding phenomenological transition parameters as made in [ 13 , 14 ].
It is worth pointing out that, as experimental [ 12 ] and MDS-based [ 9 , 16 ] results
suggest, the mechanical response of collagen molecules due to energetic effects is
highly non-linear in the first stage, following a pseudo-exponential law, and then
tends asymptotically towards a linearly elastic behavior for ' m ' c . Such an
evidence can be justified by observing that the non-linearities are essentially due to
1 The persistence length is the maximum contour length over which the corresponding molecular
segment appears as straight under thermal fluctuations.
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