Biomedical Engineering Reference
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uptake term that resolves each cell's volume, then average it across a lower-
resolution mesh (mesh size 1 = 10 the appropriate diffusion length scale) before
solving the reaction-diffusion equation. We apply Dirichlet conditions on the BM,
and use Neumann conditions wherever the lumen intersects the computational
We represent the basement membrane using a signed distance function d sat-
isfying d [ 0 in the lumen, d\0 in the stroma, d ¼ 0 on the basement membrane,
and rj j 1. We introduce an auxiliary data structure to reduce the overall
computational cost from O N ð t Þ 2
to O N ð t ð Þ , where N ð t Þ is the number of
simulation objects at time t [ 56 ]. We implemented the model in cross-platform,
object-oriented C++; we currently plan to open source the simulation framework
in the next year. Towards that end, we introduced MultiCellXML, a new XML-
based standard for sharing multicell agent simulation data. The supplementary
material for [ 56 ] include sample DCIS simulation datasets (in MultiCellXML
1.0 format) and open source postprocessing and visualization code. Please see
4.1.3 Calibration to Individual Patients, and Key Necrosis
Parameter Values
In [ 56 ], we introduced the first calibration method to use individual patient
pathology from a single time point, based upon processing several DCIS-affected
ducts for the patient, as described in [ 23 ]. The proliferative index (PI: the per-
centage of Ki-67 positive cells in the viable rim) and apoptotic index (AI: the
percentage of cleaved Caspase-3 positive cells in the viable rim) were combined
with estimates of the proliferative time scale (s P ¼ 18 h) and apoptotic time
scale (s A ¼ 8 : 6 h) and a population dynamic argument to calibrate the A
Q$P phenotypic transitions in the model. The cell density and experimental
reports on cell mechanical response to deformation (see the references in [ 56 ])
were used to calibrate the mechanical parameters of the model. We calibrated
oxygen transport by solving steady-state reaction-diffusion equations in a simplified
cylindrical duct geometry and matching to the patient's measured viable rim
thickness. In [ 56 ], we applied the calibration to a single anonymized DCIS patient
with high-grade solid-type DCIS with comedonecrosis; we show the simulation (in
a 1.5 mm, 2-D longitudinal section of duct) after 45 days of growth in this patient in
Fig. 8 . We recently combined this calibration method with an upscaling/coarse-
graining argument to derive patient-specific predictions of surgical excision vol-
umes in [ 23 ].
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