Biomedical Engineering Reference
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12. Breuls, R.G.M., Bouten, C.V.C., Oomens, C.W.J., Bader, D.L., Baaijens, F.P.T.:
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13. Gefen, A.G., van Nierop, B.J., Bader, D.L., Oomens, C.W.J.: Strain-time cell death threshold
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14. Gefen, A., Gefen, N., Linder-Ganz, E., Margulies, S.S.: In vivo muscle stiffening under bone
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15. Loerakker, S., Manders, E., Strijkers, G.J., Nicolay, K., Baaijens, F.P.T., Bader, D.L.,
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