Biomedical Engineering Reference
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3D printing technique. For synthetic poly( α -hydroxy esters) such as
poly( L -lactic acid) (PLLA), poly(lactic- co -glycolic acid) (PLGA), and
PCL,anorganicsolventsuchaschloroformisusedasthebinder. 36 , 37
3D printing technique to create porous scaffolds using a PLGA mix-
ture with NaCl particles. 38 Using an organic solvent as the binder
could cause problems for cell incorporation in the 3D printing
process. Therefore, a starch-based biomaterial composed of corn-
starch, dextran, and gelatin was used for scaffold construction via
3D printing withwater being the binder. 39
LDM uses a computer-controlled nozzle to extrude a polymer
solution in a layer-by-layer manner, and each layer of the deposited
material is frozen on the platform. After the frozen objects are
formed by the LDM system, they are freeze-dried in a freeze dryer
to remove the solvent. 40 The scaffolds thus formed have both con-
trolled micro- and macrostructures. Xu et al. used polyurethane
(PU),anelastomer,tofabricatecomplexvascularsystemsviaLDM. 41
An LDM system with two nozzles was later designed in order to
extrude two types of biomaterials with different properties. 42 With
this improved LDM system, a double-layer PU-collagen nerve con-
duit was produced for peripheral nerve regeneration. The hollow
centrations and orientation offilaments in the innercollagen layer.
TPP is based on the simultaneous absorption of two photons
which induce chemical reactions between starter molecules and
monomers within a transparent matrix. 26 An ultrashort pulse laser
is needed to provide the high intensity, and the current capability of
the TPP technique allows the generation of 3D porous structures at
a resolution down to 100 nm. 43
As an established member of the RP family, SLS employs a CO 2
laser to selectively sinter thin layers of powdered polymers or their
operation of a commercial SLS machine isshown in Fig. 45.2.
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