Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 40.4. Images of PM and PM/dog MSCs (dMSCs). 13 (A) Molecular
model of the peptide RADA16-I included in PM. A; alanine. R; arginine. D;
asparticacid.-and + refertothenegativelyandpositivelychargedresidues.
sheets at a higher magnification [E]. A scale bar on each image is included:
100 nm (D);10
m (E). See also Color Insert.
aspartic acid and has greater than 99.5% water content (standard
amino acids content 1% w/v) 12 and good fluid characteristics
(Fig. 40.4). 13 The peptides have regular repeating units of posi-
tively charged residues (arginine) and negatively charged residues
(aspartic acid) separated by hydrophobic residues (alanine) and
contain 50% charged residues and are characterized by their
periodic repeats of alternating ionic hydrophilic and uncharged
hydrophobic amino acids. 14 The peptides interact individually
by self-complementary and amphiphilic properties and are self-
assembled. Thus, PM possesses good plasticity, absorption, and
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