Biomedical Engineering Reference
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polyglycolic acid (PGA) scaffold falls into the category of synthetic
polymers and was the first scaffold used for pioneering research
of tissue engineering. 3 - 6 Different from natural scaffolds, synthetic
polymers can be designed and manufactured for their exact degrad-
ability and degradation time, as well as their pore size and poros-
ity and other physical and chemical properties. Thus the quality of
synthetic scaffolds can be better controlled compared with natural
scaffolds. This allows for reproduction in large quantities with simi-
substances, they can avoid the risk of transferring pathogens to the
host, which possibly reside in human and animal tissues, such as
to the group of poly ( α -hydroxy acids).
The poly ( α -hydroxy acids) are hydrolyzed by cleavage of their
ester bonds in a water-containing environment, which results in a
reduction of molecular weight, but not the total mass, of the scaf-
fold. The degradation via hydrolysis usually reduces the molecu-
lar weight to around 5,000. Afterward, cellular degradation takes
over the degradation process to further degrade the polymer into
monomers, and they are finally metabolized into water and CO 2 . 7
Due to this nature, poly ( α -hydroxy acids) are considered one of the
optimal synthetic scaffoldsfor tissue engineering.
ven PGA fibers, which were originally reported as being a scaffold
by Langer's group and Vacanti's group. 3 - 6 According to literature,
unwoven PGA fibers have been widely applied to the engineering of
stroma, blood vessels, etc. 3 - 6 , 8 This chapter will provide a review of
their application in soft-tissue engineering.
34.2 PGA Fibers for Tendon Engineering
the tensile force created by muscles can be transmitted to bones for
I collagen, which is highly organized in a hierarchy of bundles that
are aligned in a parallel fashion. This unique structure provides the
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