Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 33
Elizabeth Cosgriff-Hernandez
Biomedical Engineering Department, Texas A&M University, 3120 TAMU,
College Station, Texas 77843-3120, USA
Advancements in tissue engineering are revolutionizing our capa-
bility to repair and replace damaged tissue by augmenting the
body's native regenerative processes. Biomaterial scaffolds play
ing as a template for necessary cellular interactions. The fabrica-
tion process dictates scaffold properties such as architecture, sur-
folds via template polymerization of high-internal-phase emul-
sions (HIPEs). PolyHIPEs show great promise as bone scaffolds
due to the tremendous control of scaffold morphology, potential
as an injectable system, and superior mechanical properties. This
generate bone scaffolds with highly interconnected pores.
33.1 Introduction
Musculoskeletal conditions have an enormous impact on the qual-
ity of life and remain one of the leading reasons that patients seek
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