Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Figure 31.9. Fabricated 3D porous scaffolds by indirect-SFF method
based on MSTL. 24
attached to a carriage moving in the horizontal xy plane. The main
cated,themachinemovesdownonestepinthe z directiontodeposit
scaffolds with highly controllable pore geometry and complete pore
interconnectivity can bemanufactured.
In comparison with other SFF techniques, the FDM method does
not require any solvent and offers great ease and flexibility in
the handling and processing of materials. The use of a filament-
modeling material also reduces the time required in the heating
compartment and allows for continuous production without the
need for replacing feedstock. However, one drawback of the FDM
technique is the need for preformed fibers with uniform size and
material properties to feed through the rollers and nozzle. In addi-
tion, its application to biodegradable polymers, excluding PCL, are
rarely reported Therefore, various modified FDM processes were
developed and evaluated to overcome the limitations of the tradi-
tionalFDM process in tissue scaffoldfabrication. 26 - 34
Hutmacher et al . investigated the mechanical properties and
using commercialized FDM (Stratasys Inc., Eden Prairie, MN). 29
Two types of PCL scaffolds with an area of 32.0 (length)
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