Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Figure 1.4. PGA nonwoven fiber scaffold with chondrocyte (A) and PGA
scaffold forear and nose form (B).
glycolic acid decrease the pH in the surrounding tissue, resulting
and PLGA scaffolds were applied for regeneration of all tissue such
as skin, cartilage, blood vessel, nerve, liver, dura mater, bone, and
other tissue. 1 , 5 , 7 For the application of these polymers for the scaf-
is also important. Figure 1.4 reveals the PGA/chondrocyte hybrid
and spinal cord regenerations using tissue engineering made from
our laboratory.
But, the significant drawback of the family of poly( α -hydroxy
thickness creating a hurdle for the clinical applications to patients
and for launching in the market, as shown in Fig. 1.3. This was
caused by the host response and acidic by-products of degradation,
such as glycolic acid and lactic acid. It could be prolonged to three
to four months as the end of biodegradation, as shown in Fig. 1.5. In
order to solve this serious problem, we tried to hybridize PLGA and
a natural polymer such as DBP and SIS. After the hybridization, the
fibrotic wall thickness and macrophage reaction were dramatically
decreased, as shown in Fig. 1.4, and will be discussed more in detail
in chapter 16.
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