Biomedical Engineering Reference
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detoxifies and inactivates endogeneous and exogeneous substances
such as toxins and metals. 12 Therefore, the design of biomimetic
scaffolds for liver tissue engineering is critically important because
tocytes are anchorage-dependent cells, and the hepatocytes rapidly
lose liver-specific functions and viability when removed from the
architectural liver. 13
design of biomimetic scaffolds for liver tissue engineering. Also, the
the artificial ECMsand ASGPR on the hepatocytes isexplained.
We discuss the methods to design biomimetic scaffolds on the
surface or the bulk of materials for liver tissue engineering. The cri-
the coculture system, andthe cell source are covered.
21.2 Specific Interaction between Galactose
Residue and ASGPR
Pricer et al . 14 first identified the ASGPR on the hepatocytes because
circulating asialoglycoproteins (ASGPs) bind to and are degraded
by hepatocytes. The hepatocytes have cell surface receptors that
recognizeandbindtomoleculeshavingexposedgalactose, N -acetyl
galactosamine, or glucose residues. 15 Wall et al . 16 reported that
internalization occurred via coated pits and the tracers began to
accumulate in a complex arrangement of larger smooth-surfaced
vesicles. The ASGPR are integral membrane glycoproteins localized
cosylated glycoproteins such as receptor-mediated endocytosis. 17
21.3 Bulk Modification of Biomaterials
porated into the biomaterials, and the resulting recognition sites
are present not only on the surface but also in the bulk of the
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