Biomedical Engineering Reference
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(COL), at 21 days still 20% of cells were hypoxic. This clearly
demonstrates the important effect growth factors have in acellular
scaffolds intissue engineering.
20.5 Future Outlook
The construction of scaffolds with both a defined morphology and
a defined composition allows the preparation of the ECMs for tis-
sue engineering from scratch. These artificial ECMs can be designed
such that they harbor and provide the correct signals for the cells to
populate the scaffolds and to regenerate the desired tissue, as seen
in our in vivo experiment. When specific effector molecules (growth
ticular organ are incorporated in the scaffolds, organogenesis may
even be recapitulated in the adult situation.
EuroSTEC (contract LSHB-CT-2006-037409), ZonMW 920-03-304,
and ZonMW920-03-456.
1. W. P. Daley, S. B. Peters, and M. Larsen, J. Cell Sci. , 121 ,255 (2008).
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3. W.F.Daamen,T.Hafmans,J.H.Veerkamp,andT.H.vanKuppevelt, Tissue
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4. W. F. Daamen, S. T. Nillesen, R. G. Wismans, D. P. Reinhardt, T. Hafmans,
J. H. Veerkamp, and T. H. van Kuppevelt, Tissue Eng. Part A , 14 , 349
Kuppevelt, Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. , 585 ,279 (2006).
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